
Tech 4 Pets Smart Feeder with Camera and 4G Tracker review

Posted by Laser ,7th Sep 2021

We review the Tech 4 Pets Smart Feeder with Camera, and their 4G Smart Tracker.
We review the Tech 4 Pets Smart Feeder with Camera, and their 4G Smart Tracker. Credit: Supplied

My 7-month-old puppy Olive isn’t super smart.

She’s cute, loyal, cuddly and hungry.

But she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. Said with much love.

But thankfully, the home tech revolution is here to help us pet owners in the areas that our furry friends may be lacking in.

Laser Co have two products that have changed my approach to being a pet owner - for the positive.

And they’re two very crucial areas: feeding and safety.

The Tech 4 Pets 4G Smart Pet Tracker and the Tech 4 Pets 7L Smart Pet Feeder with Camera.

Both have made an enormous difference in our lives. And both are easy to use, and surprisingly budget-friendly.

Let’s start with the important stuff - food.

Tech 4 Pets 7L Smart Pet Feeder with Camera

My dog’s new best friend - the Tech 4 Pets Smart Feeder with Camera.
My dog’s new best friend - the Tech 4 Pets Smart Feeder with Camera. Credit: Supplied

How do I get it, and what will it cost?

The Smart Pet Feeder is available from the Laser website, and also from PETStock.

Prices range from $285 to $299.

It’s quite reasonable when you consider that not only will you be able to feed your pet, but you can talk to it, and record video.

So there’s an added safety bonus, as well.

Some of the things we loved

  • Ease of use
  • Large 7L food storage capability
  • Excellent camera

Some of the things that could be better

  • Slight issue connecting via app initially
  • Sturdiness with larger pets

Setting it up

The Tech 4 Pets Smart Feeder with Camera was relatively easy to set up. I downloaded the Laser Smart Home app, thanks to a handy QR code on the box.

However, I did have a few issues connecting to the device. Turns out my router wasn’t working properly with the feeder, but a reset and quick adjustment solved that issue. Using another QR code, the Smart Pet Feeder connected instantly to the app.

The app is very easy to use.
The app is very easy to use. Credit: Supplied

The app’s layout is very easy to use. You see what the camera is seeing, in 1080p quality.

It has options to speak to your pet, record videos and screenshots, and schedule feeds.

It also allows you to release the kibble at any point you want - outside of the schedule.

Olive was initially confused as to what the machine was all about.
Olive was initially confused as to what the machine was all about. Credit: Supplied

Initially, my dog was a little confused/scared by what was going on.

But that trepidation soon gave way to elation when she realised that the scary new machine was the keeper of food.

Using the product

It is foolproof, and super easy to use.

The food container holds seven litres of dry food, and allows for small kitty-sized kibble, all the way up to the largest size for big breeds of pups (2 to 10mm).

I used the large food, and had no issues with dosage, or the food getting caught.

There are other pet feeders that have dramas with kibble becoming stuck, but I have not experienced anything like that with this machine.

A still photo taken by the Smart Feeder’s camera.
A still photo taken by the Smart Feeder’s camera. Credit: Supplied

The camera takes great videos and photos and can be set up with motion detection. So that when your pet approaches, it can push an alert to your phone, and you can interact, talk, feed, or record whatever is happening.


This is the biggest setback for me.

The machine is durable, and the lid closes tightly to ensure the pets can’t ‘break in’ to snatch a feed.

However, the power cord and overall weight of the machine could be tested by the larger breeds.

So far, my hound hasn’t ‘broken in’ (or eaten the cord), but I’m conscious that it could happen.

The Tech 4 Pets Smart Feeder (and Smart Tracker) in action.
The Tech 4 Pets Smart Feeder (and Smart Tracker) in action. Credit: Supplied

Since taking these photos, I have set the machine up in a place that (I hope) protects the cord, and reduces the chance that she will just barge it over to access those sweet, sweet treats.

We also have two cats at home, and will be purchasing another machine just for them.

I feel it’s perfect for cats and small to medium dogs.

Time will tell whether our bigger mutt can really test the durability of the feeder!

What we think

Overall, it’s a smart machine, easy to use, and delivers high-quality video communication.

In a time when so many of us work from home, we may have less need to remotely interact with our pets.

But once lockdowns are over and life returns to something resembling ‘normal’, we think this could be the ultimate way to monitor the dreaded ‘separation anxiety’, and ensure that our beloved fur babies are well fed, and thriving.

Now, the mental wellbeing of your pets can be monitored and improved by the Smart Pet Feeder.

But what about the pet owner’s peace of mind?

This is where the next product comes in.

Tech 4 Pets 4G Smart Tracker

If you live on a bigger property or have an escape artist of a dog, or travel with your pooch often (remember those days??), this is a wonderful, important piece of gear.

As someone who has had a dog run away in the past, I WISH that this technology existed sooner.

The 4G Smart Tracker is brilliant.

Olive models the Tech 4 Pets 4G Smart Tracker (harness stylist’s own).
Olive models the Tech 4 Pets 4G Smart Tracker (harness stylist’s own). Credit: Supplied

How do I get it and what will it cost?

The Tech 4 Pets 4G Pet Tracker is available for $183.99 from PETStock.

You’ll also have to buy a 4G Nano sim, with data. I purchased 12 months of data for $150 from Telstra. For that, you’ll get 40 gigs, which is definitely enough.

Some of the things we loved

  • Ease of use (once setup)
  • Accurate tracking technology - especially the GeoFencing
  • Reliable app

Some of the things that could be better

  • Size of unit
  • Initial setup difficulties

Setting It Up

Once I had a Nano Sim card, connected and loaded with data, it’s easy to slide it into the tracker.

I had issues with unlocking the SIM, and had to sort out the APN (access point name) and register the SIM in my name. Not hard to do, but worth pointing out.

The manual has a very simple explainer on how it’s done. You then download the SeTracker app, and register the device.

You then scan the tracker’s unique QR code, so that it’s all synced up. Easy.

Using the product

The app is also easy to use. You can choose how often you want the tracker to send updates to the app (less frequently means the battery lasts longer).

And a great feature is the ‘Geo-Fence’. It allows you to set up a ‘boundary’ safe zone, so that if your pooch patrols too far, you’re instantly notified.

If your dog does manage to escape, there’s ‘Emergency SOS calling mode’.

Whoever finds the dog can simply long-press the giant button on the tracker, and the device will automatically call up to 3 preset emergency numbers, in and order you can determine on setup.

Luckily we haven’t had to test that feature in a real-life setting, but it’s good to know it’s capable.

The tracker is accurate and updates your device quickly. Pleasingly, it does exactly what you’d expect it to.


The Tech 4 Pets 4G Smart Tracker.
The Tech 4 Pets 4G Smart Tracker. Credit: Supplied

The Tech 4 Pets 4G Smart Tracker is sturdy.

The actual device is chunky, but it appears to be made of very durable material.

It’s a little on the larger side, so may be a touch more noticeable, or potentially annoying (initially) for smaller dogs.

The device comes with a rubber collar case, and a supplied collar.

However, you can use your own collar if you wish (I did).

Our larger dog has never really noticed it’s on.

What we think

In a time where we’re not travelling as much as we normally are, there’s probably less reason for us to use a tracker daily.

BUT as soon as lockdowns are over, we’re planning many weekends away to dog-friendly locations.

That’s when I think we’ll get the best use out of the tracker. In areas that our pup is less familiar with, it’s added safety for her - and peace of mind for us.

If you live on a larger property, or if your dog has a habit of escaping from your house, or going on a runner from the park - this item is essential.

The Tracker comes with a rubber collar attachment, so you can use your pup’s existing collar.
The Tracker comes with a rubber collar attachment, so you can use your pup’s existing collar. Credit: Supplied

You really can’t put a price on eliminating the anxiety that goes with a lost dog. But in this case - you can.

For around $185, plus data, you’ll simply not have to worry about losing your best furry friend ever again.

Money definitely well spent, in my humble opinion.

Laser (Australian distributor of Tech 4 Pets) provided this publisher with a loan device for testing purposes. This did not affect our views on the device, and our review remains independent of the manufacturer.